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Día Internacional del Medio Ambiente

En el programa de este domingo abordaremos los desafíos que tenemos como país de cara al día internacional del medio ambiente que se celebra el 5 de junio. Para ello tendremos interesantes invitados entre ellos a la Ministra del Medio Ambiente, María Ignacia Benitez. Este domingo en Empresas en Acción. 

6 Comentarios para “Día Internacional del Medio Ambiente”

  1. backrooms Dice:
    30 de mayo de 2013 a las 5:44

    The Backrooms game has been developed by various creators, each with their own unique interpretation. It’s important to research and choose the version that suits your preferences. Look for a version that offers a challenging gameplay experience, immersive graphics, and a well-crafted storyline.

  2. flagle Dice:
    30 de mayo de 2013 a las 6:57

    I gained so much after seeing your post! In the past I often played games, this is a fun game for entertainment, but now I will follow you, reading your article will give me more knowledge.

  3. dino game Dice:
    30 de mayo de 2013 a las 0:00

    Dino Game is a speed game that was first made for Google Chrome. The game was added to Google Chrome in 2014 as a “Easter egg” to keep people busy when they can’t get online.

  4. Jackson Mia Dice:
    30 de mayo de 2013 a las 23:48

    Every day I want to try something new to increase happiness in life. That’s why I chose love tester, an interesting and creative game with funny answers to help entertain you.

  5. cookie clicker Dice:
    30 de mayo de 2013 a las 4:00

    An automatic game that requires you to think and build your own kingdom, look no further than the famous cookie clicker 2 explore it today.

  6. geometry dash Dice:
    30 de mayo de 2013 a las 5:02

    The International Day of the Environment reminds us of our responsibility to protect our planet. Just like in Geometry Dash, where each level requires careful navigation to avoid obstacles, we must skillfully navigate environmental challenges to create a sustainable future. Let’s channel our inner gamer and overcome these challenges together, building a greener world for future generations.

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